The perspective of objects receding into the distance..
The perspective of a miniature painting as seen from the top of a minaret.
The perspective of Chinese painting, implying almost endless verticality or horizontality.
Linear perspective.
Depth perspective.
3D perspective.
Vertical perspective.
Isometric perspective.
The perspective of a bird, or bird's eye view and aerial perspective.
The perspective of an ant.
The perspective of a fish, even - fisheye views or what insects see.
The perspective of a tree or a coin (My Name is Red, Orhan Pamuk).
Atmospheric perspective.
My perspective.
Your perspective.
My point of view and your point of view.
All the above are equally important. Increasingly, I am drawn to multiple perspectives and how classical miniature painting gives everything an equal value and there is no privileged viewpoint or hierarchy in terms of the place value of things.
And yet, I was taught that all good paintings need a centre...
The Angle of Totality (Floating Perspective) - Guo Xi