Doing all in one - photo essay for those that are not in the UK.
British Museum first:
Some nice objects, felt like 'Silk Road for beginners', good introduction but I wanted more. Also - only one giant room, basically, and I felt like I wanted to see more
This I liked
My beloved Kalila wa Dimna, international travelling tales
And now for the brilliant little show at the British Library:
This show really brought the Silk Road to life. We could imagine the personalities and characters - real people's everyday lives. Brilliant
Love seeing sketches
The characters of the Silk Road - also a beautiful exhibition design I thought
World's oldest printed book (actually in BL permanent collection you can see for free usually in Ritblatt Gallery just FYI)
Important figure! Inspiring for my Characters classes
Loads of scrolls
Like this
V important figure
I liked this visual display design, you get the feeling of multiple scrolls stuffed in a cave. Exhibition felt like that actually, quite cave-like
Written in blood!
Pricking for transferring
Just full of useful info. Go and see!