Hello. This is my try of the 'Every single brick' theme, which was an amazing workshop that taught me so much about architecture and how to do those tiny mosaic tiles. Warmest greetings to you all!
Dear Vaishali, thank you so much for your kind words! I don't think I have to worry about being perfect just yet :-). But I like the idea of leaving one brick undone, so I will include this next time.
You really did do every single brick @Daniela Simon yes! That is part of the art of miniature - just going, going, going and keeping on going until they are all done. Maybe leaving just one tiny brick undone as only God is perfect ;-) but the rest of the 99% you have to do, and you did, so well done!
Welcome @Daniela P. Simon! Love the bricks and hope to meet you in a class soon
Dear Vaishali, thank you so much for your kind words! I don't think I have to worry about being perfect just yet :-). But I like the idea of leaving one brick undone, so I will include this next time.
You really did do every single brick @Daniela Simon yes! That is part of the art of miniature - just going, going, going and keeping on going until they are all done. Maybe leaving just one tiny brick undone as only God is perfect ;-) but the rest of the 99% you have to do, and you did, so well done!